Friends’ Mission:
The Friends of the Berkeley Public Library is a 501(c)(3) California nonprofit organization whose purpose is to support and expand the educational, cultural, and outreach programs of the Berkeley Public Library. The Friends work with Library staff to build collections, support programming, and stimulate interest in the Library. Our volunteers staff two bookstores, selling gently used books, CDs, and DVDs. We welcome you to join the Friends, to volunteer with us, to bring us your donations, and to shop at our stores!
The Friends’ federal tax ID number is 51-0193030.
Have you seen our just released “Authors” bookmark? How many can you identify? If you need a little help, here’s the key: Authors Bookmark!
Signup for our email list here!
View the latest edition of the the Friends’ Newsletter.
What the Friends do:
Money raised by the Friends helps pay for many of the events at the Berkeley Public Library.
- Children’s programming in the libraries, including the Summer Reading Program, puppet shows, craft programs, and storytellers
- Teen programming and book clubs
- Adult programming including author talks, poetry readings, Berkeley history lectures, and lunchtime concerts
- Library staff scholarships for library-related studies
How the Friends raise money:
- Sales in two used bookstores
- Membership dues and donations
- Special book sales at community-wide events
- Online booksales through our Amazon online sales site
Questions? Contact us at 510-981-6152 or berkeleylibraryfriends@gmail.com.
Board of Directors
The Friends of the Berkeley Public Library is governed by a Board of Directors which meets monthly. Dates below indicate beginning of Board service.
- President: Cathy Brown (2020)
- Vice President: Terry Gillen (2019)
- Treasurer: Barbara McPhail (2018)
- Recording Secretary: Lucia Blakeslee (2024)
- Directors-at-large: Sandy Bails (2022), Scott Barshay (2023), Ed Cullen (2021), Diane Davenport (2023), Ruth Grimes (2023), William Hausle (2024), Judith Justice (2023), Kristi Kenney (2021), Marilyn Pew (2019), Vivian Pisano (2023), Carole Schloz (2020), Sayre Van Young (2021), Rob Walker (2019)
- Advisory Committee Chairs/Coordinators: Publicity – Sandy Bails; Scholarship – Judith Justice; Volunteers – Lucia Blakeslee
- Bookmark Editor, Sayre Van Young
- Membership, Mara Melandry, ex officio
Berkeley Public Library Website >
Berkeley Public Library Foundation Website >